Department of Community Health Sciences
UCLA Fielding School of Public Health
Office 46-071
650 Charles E. Young Drive South
P.O. Box 951772
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1772
Academic Website
LinkedIn Page


Research Interests


  1. Wagman JA, Park E, Giarratano GP, Buekens PM, Harville EW. Understanding perinatal patient’s health preferences and patient-provider relationships to prevent congenital syphilis in California and Louisiana. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth. 2022;22(1):555.

  2. Park E, Yip J, Harville E, Nelson M, Giarratano G, Buekens P, Wagman J. Qualitative Assessment on the Rise of Congenital Syphilis in California: Identifying Gaps in Preventing Congenital Syphilis. BMC Infect Dis. 2022;22(1):129. doi:10.1186/s12879-022-07100-3

  3. Wagman JA, Amabile C, Sumstine S, Park E, Boyce S, Silverman J, Fielding-Miller R, Oaks L, Swendeman D. Student, Staff, and Faculty Perspectives on Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence on 3 Public University Campuses: Protocol for the UC Speaks Up Study and Preliminary Results. JMIR Res Protoc. 2022;11(4):e31189. doi:10.2196/31189

  4. Carey DS, Sumstine S, Amabile C, Helvink H, Sorin CR, Swendeman D, Park E, Wagman J. Student-Athletes’, Coaches’, and Administrators’ Perspectives of Sexual Violence Prevention on Three Campuses with National Collegiate Athletic Association Division I and II Athletic Programs. Interpers Violence. 2022;8862605211067018. doi:10.1177/08862605211067018.

  5. Park E^, Wolfe SJ^, Nalugoda F, et al. Examining Masculinities to Inform Gender-Transformative Violence Prevention Programs: Qualitative Findings From Rakai, Uganda. Global Health: Science and Practice. 2022.
    ^co-first authors

  6. Bloom BE^, Park E^, Swendeman D, et al. Opening the “Black Box”: Student-Generated Solutions to Improve Sexual Violence Response and Prevention Efforts for Undergraduates on College Campuses. Violence Against Women. January 2022. doi:10.1177/10778012211068063
    ^co-first authors

  7. Chan EYL, Smullin C, Clavijo S, Papp-Green M, Park E, et al. (2021) A qualitative assessment of structural barriers to prenatal care and congenital syphilis prevention in Kern County, California. PLOS ONE 16(4): e0249419.

  8. Wagman JA, Nabukalu D, Miller AP, Wawer MJ, Ssekubugu R, Nakowooya H, Nantume B, Park E, Hahn JA, Serwadda DM, Sewankambo NK, Nalugoda F, Kigozi G. Prevalence and correlates of men’s and women’s alcohol use in agrarian, trading and fishing communities in Rakai, Uganda. PLoS One. 2020;15(10):e0240796.

  9. Park E, Stockman JK, Thrift B, Nicole A, Smith LR. Structural Barriers to Women’s Sustained Engagement in HIV Care in Southern California. AIDS Behav. 2020 Oct;24(10):2966-2974. doi: 10.1007/s10461-020-02847-9. PMID: 32323105; PMCID: PMC7790164.

  10. Amato K, Park E, Nigg CR. Prioritizing multiple health behavior change research topics: expert opinions in behavior change science. Translational behavioral medicine. 2016; 6:220-7. PMCID: PMC4927446

  11. Alley AB, Park E, Lee JK, Kang M, Oh J. Republic of Korea’s Health Aid Governance: Perspectives from Partner Countries. Journal of Korean medical science. 2015; 30 Suppl 2:S149-54. PMCID: PMC4659868

Abstracts and Presentations

  1. Park E, Lai, J, Wagman JA. Double Jeopardy: East Asian International Students’ Experiences of Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment and Xenophobia during COVID-19. 19th Hawaii International Summit on Preventing, Assessing, & Treating Trauma Across the Lifespan [Oral Presentation] Honolulu, HI, March 28 – April 1, 2022.

  2. Park E, Yip J, Kukke S, Caffery M, Johnson A, Huerta M, Amabile C, Wagman J. Effectiveness of cues intervention training for health care providers in US HIV clinic setting. National Conference on Health and Domestic Violence [Poster Presentation] Online. April 28-30, 2021.

  3. Carey S, Amabile C, Sumstine S, Helvink H, Sorin C, Park E, Wagman J. Similarities and differences in NCAA student athletes’, coaches’ and administrators’ perspectives of campus-based sexual violence. National Conference on Health and Domestic Violence [Oral Presentation] Online. April 28-30, 2021.

  4. Sorin C, Amabile C, Carey S, Mahesh V, Park E, Sumstine S, Wagman J. Mandatory reporting at the University of California: An analysis of graduate student, staff, and faculty perspectives. National Conference on Health and Domestic Violence [Poster Presentation] Online. April 28-30, 2021.

  5. Bloom B, Park E, Sumstine S, Amabile C, Oaks L, Swendeman D, Wagman J. Student-generated solutions to improve sexual violence response and prevention efforts on University of California campuses. APHA Annual Meeting and Expo. [Oral Presentation] Online. October 24-28, 2020.

  6. Carey S, Sumstine S, Amabile C, Helvik H, Sorin C, Swendeman D, Park, E, Wagman, J. Student-athletes’, coaches’ and administrators’ perspectives of sexual violence on three campuses with NCAA division I and II athletic programs. APHA Annual Meeting and Expo. [Oral Presentation] Online. October 24-28, 2020.

  7. Sumstine S, Sade Murphy AS, Carey S, Amabile C, Bloom B, Park E, Swendeman D, Wagman J. Using an intersectional lens to examine perceptions about campus sexual violence resources and reporting options at the University of California. APHA Annual Meeting and Expo. [Oral Presentation] Online. October 24-28, 2020.

  8. Park E Identifying Gaps in Prenatal Syphilis Screening and Treatment in Kern County, CA. UCLA Maternal and Child Health Virtual Poster Symposium. [Oral Presentation] Online. September 10, 2020.

  9. Park E, Nalugoda F, Nakyanjo N, Nakigozi G, Wagman J. “Good masculinity” versus “Real masculinity” related to IPV: Qualitative findings from Rakai, Uganda. The Sexual Violence Research Institute Forum. [Oral Presentation] Cape Town, South Africa. October 21-25, 2019.

  10. Wagman J, Fielding-Miller R, Park E, Yap M, Silverman J, Oaks L, Swendeman D, Sumstine S, Amabile C, Smith M. Student-led research to assess the climate for sexual and dating violence prevention at three University of California campuses. The Sexual Violence Research Institute Forum. [Oral Presentation] Cape Town, South Africa, October 21-25, 2019.

  11. Park E, Bonnevie E, Nabu MB, Mushi J, Ntinda M, Michau L, Namy S, Ghebrebrhan N, Wagman J. Adapting SASA! to prevent violence in rural Tanzania: Lessons learned form a mixed methods case study. RTI Ending Gender Inequalities Conference. [Poster Presentation] Johannesburg, South Africa. October 8-9, 2018.

  12. Thrift B, Siebert S, Park E, Bonnevie E, Paul E, Elie JP, Michau L, Ghebrebrhan N, Namy S, Wagman J. “Haitianizing” SASA! to reduce violence against women and girls and HIV risk in a Caribbean community: A qualitative study from Jacmél, Haiti. RTI Ending Gender Inequalities Conference. [Poster Presentation] Johannesburg, South Africa. October 8-9, 2018.

  13. Nicole A, Stockman J, Falvey E, Park E, Thrift B, Smith L. Beyond HIV: A qualitative exploration of factors impacting women’s engagement in HIV treatment. The San Diego Center for AIDS Research Annual HIV Research Day. [Oral Presentation] San Diego, CA, December 6, 2017

  14. Park E, Okihiro M. Assessing childhood obesity: Utilizing the “Electronic Health and Wellness Survey” during well-child visits at a community health center in rural Hawaii. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting & Exposition. [Poster Presentation] San Francisco, CA. October 27-31, 2012

Reports and White Papers

  1. Amabile C, Tran D, Park E, Chalmiers M, Raj A, Wagman J. (2019) College Students. Sexual Violence Research in the #MeToo Era: Findings from a Systematic Review of the Literature Published from January 2015 to March 2019. A Report to the California Coalition Against Sexual Assault. Center on Gender Equity and Health, University of California San Diego. La Jolla. CA.

  2. Wagman JA, Park E, Siebert S, Paul E, Elie JP. (2018) Jacmel, Haiti Case Study: Learning from SASA! Adaptations in a Caribbean setting. Published by Center on Gender Equity and Health at University of California San Diego, Beyond Borders, and Raising Voices, Kampala, Uganda.

  3. Park E, Bonnevie E, Nabulizi MB, Mushi J, Ntinda M, Nakuti J, Karungi E, Michau L, Namy S, Ghebrebrhan N, Wagman JA. (2018) Tanzania Case Study: Learning from SASA! Adaptations in a rural setting. Published by Center on Gender Equity at Health at University of California San Diego, and Women’s Promotion Center, Raising Voices, Kampala, Uganda.

  4. Namy S, Wagman JA, Park E, Siebert S, Nabulizi MB, Ghebrebrhan N, Michau L. (2018) Summary Brief: Learning From SASA! Adaptations in Diverse Contexts. Published by Raising Voices, Center on Gender Equity and Health at University of California San Diego, Beyond Borders, International Rescue Committee, and Women’s Promotion Center, Kampala, Uganda.


  1. 2023 “Prevalence of Sexual Violence on College Campuses and Student Resources,” Pacific Ridge School, Carlsbad, CA, March 22, 2023

  2. 2021 “Double Jeopardy: Asian International Students’ Experiences of Sexual Violence and Xenophobia during COVID-19,” University of California Global Health Institute, Women’s Health, Gender, and Empowerment Center for Expertise, Annual Retreat, Online, May 14, 2021

  3. 2021 “Double Jeopardy: Asian International Students’ Experiences of Sexual Violence and Xenophobia during COVID-19,” Generation Flow Reproductive Symposium, University of California San Francisco, Online, April 11, 2021

Research Experience

2021-present: Double Jeopardy: AAPI Students’ Experiences of Sexual Violence and Xenophobia during COVID-19 (AAPI Data, UCLA Racial and Social Justice Grant, UCLA Asian American Studies Center, Center for Institutional Courage)

2018-2021: Assessing the Environment for Campus Violence Prevention in California (California Department of Public Health/Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Rape Prevention Education Grant)

2017-2018: Addressing the Rise of Congenital Syphilis: Working toward Setting-specific Solutions among High-Risk Pregnant Women in Kern County, CA and East Baton Rouge Parish, LA (March of Dimes/Center for Disease Control and Prevention)

2016-2017: Strengthening SASA! Implementation through Learning and Guidance (United Nations Trust Fund/Raising Voices)

2016-2017: Designing a Gender-Transformative Intervention to Involve Men in Prevention of IPV in Rural Uganda (World Bank/Sexual Violence Research Initiative) </dt>

Work Experience

2019-present: Graduate Student Research at the Department of Community Health Sciences

2017-2019: Research Program Manager at the Center on Gender Equity and Health

2015-2017: Research Project Coordinator at the Division of Infectious Diseases and Global Public Health

2013-2015: Staff Researcher at the JWLEE Center for Global Medicine

2011-2012: Graduate Research Assistant at the Department of Urban and Regional Planning

2007-2008: Program Coordinator at the Executive Master of Law Program

2006-2007: Development Instructor

Interview/Press/Media Coverage

The Power of Research to Create Dialogue About AAPI Women’s Experiences with Sexual Violence. By Elizabeth Doerr, University of California Global Health Institute Newsletter, May 3, 2023. Available at (

“How — And Why — Academic Researchers Are Taking On Anti-Asian Hate.” By Adolfo Guzman-Lopez, LAist & Southern California Public Radio (SCPR), May 3, 2021. Available at (


2023-2024: Teaching Associate

2022-2023: Teaching Assistant

2013: Teaching Assistant

2009-2010: English Teacher

2008-2009: Korean Language Instructor


2023: Frontiers in Addiction Research and Pregnancy Program, Magee-Womens Institute, San Diego, CA
2021: Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault Victim Advocate Training, Center for the Pacific Asian Family, Los Angeles, CA
2021: Research Transparency and Reproducibility Training, Berkeley Initiative for Transparency in the Social Sciences, Berkeley, CA
2019: CITI Training for Human Subject Research, Social Behavioral and Education Research
2017: Research Administration Training Program, University of California San Diego, La Jolla, CA
2011: Epidemiology and Population Health Summer Institute, Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University, New York, NY
2008: Asia Pacific Leadership Program, East West Center, Honolulu, HI

Research Grants

2023: Kirschstein National Research Service Award Individual Predoctoral Fellowship (F31), National Institute of Drug Abuse, National Institute of Health, Bethesda, MD
2023: Grants to assess the needs of California’s Asian American and Pacific Islander populations, AAPI Data, UC Riverside, Riverside, CA
2021: Racial and Social Justice Grant, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA
2021: Martha Ogata Grant to study Domestic Violence and Abuse in Asian Pacific American Communities, Asian American Studies Center, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA
2021: Patrick and Lily Okura Research Grant on Asian Pacific American Mental Health, Asian American Studies Center, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA
2021: Institutional Courage Grant, Center for Institutional Courage, Eugene, OR

Honors and Awards

2023: Summer Fellowship, UCLA Center for the Study of Women & Barbra Streisand Center, Los Angeles, CA
2022: Rose Eng Chin & Helen Wong Eng Fellowship, UCLA Asian American Studies Center, Los Angeles, CA
2021-2022: Maternal and Child Health (MCH) Training Program Epidemiology Predoctoral Fellowship, UCLA MCH Center of Excellence in the Geffen School of Medicine, Los Angelels, CA
2021-2022: Graduate Council Diversity Fellowship, Academic Senate, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA
2021: Graduate Summer Research Mentorship Program, Graduate Division, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA
2021: Peter J. Sawires Memorial Conference Scholarship, National Conference on Health and Domestic Violence, Futures Without Violence, San Francisco, CA
2020-2021: Maternal and Child Health (MCH) Training Program Fellowship, UCLA MCH Center of Excellence in the Geffen School of Medicine, Los Angelels, CA
2019: Second Prize for poster: “Addressing the Rise of Congenital Syphilis: Working toward Setting-specific Solutions among High-Risk Pregnant Women in Kern County, CA and East Baton Rouge Parish, LA”, UCSD Public Health Research Conference, La Jolla, CA
2010-2012: Graduate Degree Fellowship, East West Center, Honolulu, HI
2008-2009: Asia Pacific Leadership Program Fellowship, East West Center, Honolulu, HI
2007: Small international research grant on global women's leadership, Sookmyung Women’s University, Seoul, South Korea
2005-2006: Honor Student, Sookmyung Women’s University, Seoul, South Korea

Service and Leadership

2021-present: Graudate Student Intern, Division of HIV and STD Programs, Los Angeles County Department of Public Health, Los Angeles, CA
2021-2023: Community Program Monitoring & Evaluation Intern, Center for the Pacific Asian Family, Los Angeles, CA
2020-2023: Student Interest Group - Executive Committee, UCLA Maternal and Child Health Program, Los Angeles, CA
2019-2023: Public Health Student Association, UCLA Fielding School of Public Health, Los Angeles, CA
2019-2023: Parent Group Member, UCLA Early Childhood and Education, University Village, Los Angeles, CA
2019-2023: Student Member, UCLA Students with Dependent Program, Los Angeles, CA
2019-2021: Student Experience Survey Committee, UCLA Fielding School of Public Health, Los Angeles, CA


Language: Korean
Statistical Analysis: SAS, SPSS, Stata, R, Tableau
Qualitative Analysis: QSR Nvivo, Dedoose, Trint, Voyant
Survey Software: Qualtrics, REDCap, Survey Monkey
Design or Programming Language: Canva, Adobe InDesign, HTML, CSS
Research-related: Grant Writing, Needs Assessment, Program Monitoring and Evaluation, Qualitative and Quantitative Data Analysis
Project Website (under development):

Updated on November 7, 2023