
Student-Athletes’, Coaches’, and Administrators’ Perspectives of Sexual Violence Prevention on Three Campuses with National Collegiate Athletic Association Division I and II Athletic Programs

Published in Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 2022

College athletic programs hold promise for fostering sexual violence prevention but there is limited knowledge about how student-athletes conceptualize sexual violence and how athletes, coaches, and administrators perceive available prevention and response programs.

Prevalence and correlates of men’s and women’s alcohol use in agrarian, trading and fishing communities in Rakai, Uganda

Published in Plos One, 2020

Alcohol use differed by gender, community type and occupation. Being male, living in a fishing community and working as a fisherman or restaurant/bar worker (among women) were associated with higher odds of drinking. Alcohol reduction programs should be implemented in Uganda’s fishing communities and among people working in high risk occupations (e.g., fishermen and restaurant/bar workers).

Structural barriers to women’s sustained engagement in HIV care in Southern California

Published in AIDS and Behavior, 2020

Poverty, unemployment, housing instability, and needs for transportation emerged as the dominant structural barriers for women when discussing their challenges with sustained engagement in HIV care. System-level interventions that decrease these noted barriers may help improve HIV care continuum for women living in Southern California.

Republic of Korea’s health aid governance: Perspectives from partner countries

Published in Journal of Korean Medical Science, 2015

The survey results indicate that progress has been made since earlier international evaluations but the ROK has not overcome all areas of concern. This confirms that the ROK is continuing to develop its capacity as a good donor but has yet to achieve all governance-related targets. The results of this survey can be used to inform a future aid strategy.